Note to Boss, et al: If yer sick, stay home!
It has hit every single person in my department at work, except me and one other person. They all joke about how we're immune. Well, I can't stay immune if you come into work and breathe all over my desk with your germs, now...can I?
It starts with a stomach virus of sorts. The kind that makes you hug the toilet all night but you never barf. You know what I mean. So now, my "viral flu" as the doctor called it on Monday has turned into full-blown bronchitis. Fever, aches, ouchy eyes, burning nose, ears that clog and don't pop no matter how many times you try to fake a yawn. I've been sick since Saturday and with no T.V. in my bedroom- this darn computer was attached to my, comforter. It was my best friend. Sewiously. Thank gosh for wireless internet. I got that hooked up just in time.
I ventured into work today only to find my friendly co-workers telling me to turn around and go home. "But I'm better!" I yelped. But, um, I wasn't. I left early. To pick up the Z-pak that my doctor finally called in after I pleaded with the Receptionist.
"Look, my whole office has had this and I really think I need antibiotics. It's not going away."
"Well, I can't deal with your whole office right now. I can only deal with you. List your symptoms."
"Um, since Monday, it has moved into my chest."
"What has?"
"Um...the siccccckkkkkness??????"
What do you think moved into my chest?!!! I'm SICK beetch! NOW CALL IN MY DRUGS!
Ok, so I didn't yell at her. But whatever. This stuff better friggin work.